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Picking a Christmas Tree


 The name Molly McJingles comes from a silly Facebook quiz years ago where your birth month and first initial (if I remember correctly) determined your personal 'Christmas elf name.' So, for me, that turned out to be Molly McJingles. A true Christmas elf name that evoked all sorts of joyful Christmas moments for me.


Listen, I'm like a Christmas fanatic on steroids! I love Christmas and all its jolly goodness. Show me a Christmas movie and serve me warm cocoa under a fluffy blanket, and I'm in bliss, even in the middle of July.


But you know what's not so cheerful? The fact that most women, especially moms, turn into stressballs during the holiday season. Seriously, it's like they're juggling reindeer and tangled Christmas lights all at once! And it shouldn't be that way!


We all deserve a holly-jolly time during Sinterklaas, Christmas, and New Year's, no stress allowed. Let's deck the halls with laughter and joy, people!

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Welcome to Molly McJingles

Gingerbread Cookie Wreath
Who am I ?

My name is Denise, and I live in the eastern part of the Netherlands, which is beautiful and green. I reside here with my husband, our 18-year-old daughter, our 16-year-old son, and our adorable Friese Stabij named Scott. I'm a huge Christmas enthusiast (I mean, I'm already rocking my Spotify Christmas playlist in May), but I can't stand the stress that comes along with it. I've struggled with it for years, but guess what? It's totally unnecessary! With the right mindset and effective tools, you can also experience a perfectly relaxed Christmas (or Sinterklaas or New Year's Eve for that matter).

My mission

The holidays should be a celebration for everyone. No stressing over whether your house is perfectly decorated, second-guessing the gift you got for Auntie Mavis, or getting irritated by Uncle Bob's shitty remarks. At, we've got you covered with all the tools for a perfectly relaxed Christmas.

The founder of Molly McJingles
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©2024 by Molly McJingles

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